04 January, 2009

Mondrian Samples Configuration

Since my article on Mondrian with MySQL backend published in this blog, I've got several questions which are quite similar regarding Mondrian / JPivot samples.

For those of you who got difficulty in getting the samples work, I've dedicated a wiki section page detailing every sample's configuration. The wiki site is located at http://pentaho-en.phi-integration.com/mondrian/configuring-mondrian-sample.

Or you can click directly on these links - each link for each sample configuration :
Hopefully with these articles you can get much more understandings on how Mondrian a.k.a. Pentaho Analysis server works.

If you already following all the instructions and still got some errors or you have other issues that has to do with other database sources then you can post your problem to our Mondrian user group at http://groups.google.com/group/phi-mondrian-olap . Or you can send a blank email to phi-mondrian-olap-subscribe@googlegroups.com to join the group.

Feris Thia
Business Intelligence Consultant

1 comment:

Clarence said...

Hello, Im happen to remove security in my pentaho web application. But with no luck. I actually want to get rid the pentaho login page. Do you have idea how can i do this ? thank in advance