I use Calc - the spreadsheet application in the suite - extensively in my daily activities to analyze data subsets in data warehousing projects and proved to be very helpful. But the drawback of using this application is that you have to use it as it is - no point to have much complaints. But now I'm facing the stability and reliability issue that almost drive me nuts - an unstopable recovery process.
If you have a document that is recognized as a damaged one by OpenOffice you will be shown a dialog to recover it. And if you agree to recover it, almost only few of the times it behaves nicely .

But if you are unlucky enough then this process will take forever without any clue to be stopped in hand. I face it now... and even restarting my system several times didn't bring any good. Then I got this helpful page by googling and it relief me from the problem.
If you have the same issue, try this :
- If you are on Windows environment, delete Documents and settings/username
/Application data/Openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Recovery.xcu file. - And if you are a Linux user, delete /home/
Till next article...