31 May, 2008

Halogen Wiki Page

Halogen is an olap client viewer based primarily on OLAP4J and Google Web Tookit (GWT).

Halogen has several features :
  • The ability to connect to Mondrian's cube
  • Visually add dimension and measures from a chosen cube
  • Execute MDX query
  • Graphical Chart
To assist anyone who want to have a try on this application, we have created a non official wiki for Halogen. You can visit the site by clicking on the image below or on this link.

12 May, 2008

PDI Sample Screencast

Kettle / Pentaho Data Integration is now one of the most used open source ETL tool in the market.

With increasing inquiries on this product, I make this screencast that shows how to design and execute a very simple Kettle task to migrate one or two tables from SQL Server to MySQL (annotations are in Indonesian).

Have you had any further question or inquiry on this product, you can contact me directly at feris@phi-integration.com.